Extend your team with an experienced leader.

Here’s 3 ways we can help.

Fractional Product Marketing Leader

For start ups and early-stage companies that haven’t hired a full-time product marketing leader yet.

We focus on product marketing fundamentals, like nailing your target customer profile, core value proposition and messaging, GTM plans, and channel prioritization. This work lays the foundation for your performance, content and brand marketing teams to do their work. A 3-month minimum agreement ensures you’re set up for success.

Standalone Projects

For clients who already have the foundations in place and need help with discrete initiatives.

Together, we identify a specific objective that needs dedicated focus and agree on concrete deliverables. Typically these projects are shorter term (1-2 months), and we own the end-to-end project (from strategy to execution) in close partnership with your teams.

Project examples include:

  • Launching a new feature, product, or market

  • Revamping your homepage

  • Creating customer personas and training your teams on how to best use them

  • Auditing the end-to-end customer journey to identify growth opportunities

  • Developing a phased plan to build a product marketing team, including job profiles, interview guides, key workflows, and internal roll-out tools 

Product Marketing Advisor

For clients who need a trusted thought partner.

We leverage our expertise to advise you on a range of GTM and product marketing topics. You own the agenda and format. We guide you in the right direction and give you the confidence to make tough decisions. A monthly 4-hour commitment ensures you always have our guidance when you need it.

Every client’s needs are different.

Let’s chat to see if we’re a fit.